We’re more than “just” your groomer… 

There’s a wonderful groomer in Texas… who we think captured these thoughts beautifully. Her name is Britny Swanberg, and we are sharing this with her permission. 

You know … a lot of people love their pets like family, and you always want the best for your family.

What you may not know is that after the 2nd or 3rd time we groom your pet, we already know what they like, don’t like, how they like to be held, what they might bite for. Everything that goes into making their groom a GOOD experience for them and us. We will already have started building a relationship that makes your pet feel more safe and secure. 

On top of that, we will be familiar with every inch of your pets body, from nose to tail. We will recognize anything new that appears from the last groom. Things that can easily go unnoticed. That’s why it’s so important to keep up with regular grooming. We can discover health problems such as; bad teeth, infected ears, broken nails, hots spots, and lumps or bumps that could be harmless or potentially fatal.

Anyone can learn to give a dog a haircut. But when you find someone who takes their time to get to know you and your pet, please stick with them. That means you’ve found someone who truly cares about each pet they see. Grooming is an art form, so if it’s not exactly right the first time, give them another chance. It can take time interpret the vision you want.  

We aren’t just giving your pet a haircut, we are taking our time to look at every aspect of their health and well being.

We’re more than just a groomer

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